Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Excitement of Apartment Life (part two).

Well folks, just when you thought all the drama of a plaster ceiling would subside, you get another surprise.

To stay cool tonight we had Sebastian Joe's ice cream with our pals Jared & Skyler! It was so nice to go into an air conditioned ice cream parlor and enjoy a delicious time with friends. When we got home, I sat on the couch to look at the mail when Bryant said, "Hannah, you have to come over here. I am not happy." He was in the sunroom and it didn't take long for me to realize that something was going on with our favorite ceiling corner--you can read about the ceiling in "The Excitement of Apartment Life (part one)" here, although at the time we didn't think that story would be the first part of a duology at the time.

I really haven't had much to complain about with the humidity today. I spent a grand total of 12 minutes outdoors and the rest of the day was spent in air conditioned buildings. Our apartment was not handling the weather well, though, and the integrity of the sunroom's plaster was rapidly diminishing...

The updated ceiling:
The remains:

The saddest part is the damage those chunks did to our day bed. There are now three nasty gouges in the wood. We would have kept the bed unmade and out from under the corner but we had a friend stay overnight at our place this weekend due to an unexpected flight delay. We can't forfeit our hospitality to a little plaster/flood problem, right?? Well, we could have offered the couch I suppose, but fortunately this didn't happen on Friday night when someone's head would have had the gouges in it instead of the bed. :-/

On another positive note, the mess isn't gross water and the crumbs and dust can be brushed off for the most part.

...But I am really hoping there isn't a part three to this saga.

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