Yesterday afternoon when Bryant got off work we sat around the house doing nothing very constructive. I did manage to look through thousands of photos and swoon over our wedding day all over again (you can too, right here) but stuff like that usually doesn't count as being productive.
Before the afternoon moved into evening we forced ourselves out of the apartment and walked to a yard sale (bust), drove to a lampshade shop (closed--bust), walked to an antique store (expensive--bu$t), and then to Dairy Queen (major success!). Because Bryant works today we went to Bethlehem Baptist in downtown Minneapolis for church where John Piper was at the pulpit after 7 weeks of writing leave/vacation. I don't think Bryant and I have seen him preach since before we started dating in 2009, so it was nice to hear truth spoken through him again while sitting next to my spouse.
After church I am pretty sure we sat in the air-conditioned car for a good 20 minutes before deciding what do to for dinner. A few weeks ago Bryant won a contest through Facebook from South of Canada where he received a $25 gift card for the Loop Bar so we figured that since we were in Mpls we might as well head over there. This took such a long time to decide because although I love the Twin Cities, I don't like its night life. I was fearful that a Saturday night around the North Loop would be loud, cramped, and uncomfortable. Setting my premonitions aside, we decided to go anyway. Surprisingly, we got to sit outside at sidewalk seating where it was quieter and warmer (yeah, totally freezing inside) and the food was super yummy! We splurged and each got a locally-brewed beer. We enjoyed those while watching people walk by and we even saw Mark Rosen with his family--Minnesota celebrity sighting!
All of these unexpected good things happened to us and to top it all off we learned that our gift card was actually worth $65 instead of $25! It sounds like we have to return to the Loop before we leave! When we learned that Bryant just sat back with a grin on his face and said, "Gosh, sometimes I just feel so... lucky." Unexpected good stuff is awesome. :)
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