Thursday, April 5, 2012

House Hunters International air date is set!

Hear ye, hear ye!

We have just learnt of the official air date of our House Hunters International episode! Keep in mind, HGTV could change the schedule at the last minute, but we know what the plan is as of today and that is:

17 MAY 2012 @ 9:30PM CDT on HGTV

Guys, this totally stinks though, because most of you will see it before us! Although we have access to mom & dad's DVR over here, that's 3:30AM in England! We don't mind, though... we will probably get up and watch it anyway! They said they plan on sending us a DVD a few weeks after the episode's been aired so we can watch it again and again.

For the official HGTV blurb about our episode, click here. :) Our episode is entitled, "Searching Out a Picture-Perfect Country Cottage in Buckinghamshire, England." How fun!

(If you're totally confused about what we're talking about, go to this post to learn about our exciting adventure in TV land!)


  1. So cool Hannah!! Will this be available online?? Cuz I wanna watch it...

    1. Jenny- I don't think it will be available online, unfortunately. Unless we out it on YouTube ourselves. Know anyone with cable? :(

  2. WAHOO! This is so so so exciting! I am totally going to TIVO it! :)

  3. Oh my gosh I love House Hunters International!!! We do not have cable but whenever we are at a hotel or my parents house I always try to catch a few episodes. I will def be watching.
